

I discovered this print on Etsy and smiled as I reminisced about fun times spent in the windy city.  I lived in Chicago years ago when I first became a Flight Attendant.  I did the whole crash pad thing and quickly decided 11 Flight Attendants in one hotel room was too many and living near the airport wasn't a good way to experience Chicago!  I lasted there for 2 months then found a one bedroom condo with 5 other flight attendants downtown near the Navy Pier.  I know still sounds like a lot but thankfully we were never there at the same time.  Chicago is such a friendly town and this is such a beautiful time of the year... I miss you CHICAGO!

1 comment:

  1. I miss you too every often.
    I am a frequent reader by the way and CC wannabe, and added your link to my blogroll =)

    Add me on your blogroll.



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