
Flight Attendant Sighting: Reese Witherspoons Secret Honeymoon Location...

I met a Flight Attendant on our hotel shuttle who worked a Flight on Wednesday and had Newlyweds Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth onboard.  

The Honeymoon Destination.... BELIZE!  They also brought along Reese's two children.  The Flight Attendant said her new husband and children were really nice and well behaved.

PS She also said Reese had no makeup on... Seriously it would suck to be famous!


  1. Hi I'm Senta Scarborough, a reporter for US Weekly Magazine. I would love to get some more details on the Reese Witherspoon sighting--please email me at sentascarborough@hotmail.com Thanks!!

  2. You're a "newsbreaker" Postcards and Coasters!!!!

  3. Congrats on the shout-out on the People.com article!

  4. lilkunta4/10/2011

    Why would not wearing makeup suck? Did Reese not look god?

  5. Anonymous4/10/2011

    yea, it sucks being famous and jetting off to belize for your honeymoon.....id like my life to suck that much. makeup is always optional....

  6. Wow, what interesting things you can find as a flight attendant! And how wonderful to get a high profile link to your blog from People! Congratulations:)


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