
Weekend up North & Tonto Natural Bridge State Park

We spent the weekend relaxing at Kohl's Ranch in Northern Arizona.
 We booked our stay through Groupon a few weeks ago and were hoping for snow but got 60 degree weather instead.  Were not complaining about that. :)

We took our Rhino on a few trail rides near Kohl's Ranch and went to the Tonto Natural Bridge.  It was privately owned for years until the state bought in it 1990.  It's only a few hours North of Phoenix and 11 miles North of Payson.  It's the largest natural travertine bridge in the world.  We took the Gowan Trail which took us under the bridge.  We had to climb slick rocks and maneuver one area that is difficult for young children.  But Charlotte is a determined little girl and had a great time!


Walking along Tonto Creek at Kohl's Ranch

Taking a ride on trails near Kohl's Ranch.  Mogollon Rim in background.

1 comment:

  1. You guys take the best pictures! Looks like a great time was had by all...


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