In an attempt to inspire my packing efforts in the near future(Yes, I'm still planning on going to Hawaii next week) I've found some beautiful vintage suitcases on Flickr.
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Beautiful vintage suitcases!
I'm with you when it comes to checking bags. My daughter and I just spent six days in New Orleans and we traveled with carry on only. It allowed us to hop on an earlier flight on our last leg from LAX to SFO.
You know what I would like? Some professional packing tips from a pro like you!
You have got an eye..love the suitcases!!I hate packing too...and if i know we will get on...I actually check...shhhh...don't tell;-)
Have a GREAT time!!
WOW! Awesome suitcases! Now you are ready to construct a piece of art like the ones in the SMF airport! Can't wait to see it!
Have a wonderful time in Hawaii...
Dutchbaby...I'll put some packing tips together just for you. ;)
The Flying Pinto... I also check bags if the flight looks good. But our Hawaii flights are full. Dang!
Gramyflys... I love the artwork there! That's the best I've seen.
Oh, looove the bags!
I have to admit, I never check... well unless you count the time I was coming home from China and my friend and I had bought so much stuff that we had to buy an extra suitcase... and check it.
Very nice post! :)
I love your blog! I love your profile pic...and the images used for this post were brilliant!
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