And I'm not talking about the passengers!
Just flew with a bunch of pranksters...
Felt like I was in Flight Attendant Initiations all over again!
The ring leader...
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hahahaha. that is so funny. Love the last part of switching the "leg" haha. thanks for documenting and sharing!!!
I'm the stiff who rolls their eyes at such shannigans. What a bore I am! I particularly love when they start singing their personally-penned ditty about how to buckle your seatbelt or put on your oxygen masks. Lighten up Tobler!
also, I am officially using the lamp (bedside table, MY side :), and the authentic "straight from World Market" Peruvian tapestry. It looks great in my laundry room! (at least I think it does--maybe it sucks!)
LOL. I would be the first to pull that velcro knob!
I am in full support of anything that will take the monotony out of a day's work. As a passenger, I appreciate anyone who made an effort to infuse some humor into what so often is a humorless flight.
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